Sustainable Livestock

Agra Foods is committed to source its raw material respecting labor, environmental and land issues. We monitor our cattle production on a daily basis and have a specialized external company to audit our procedures and issue technical advice. The monitoring criteria follow the list below:
• To have a regularized situation with the environmental agencies, not appearing on lists of embargoed areas published on the Internet at the SISNAMA agencies website (IBAMA, ICMBio and State Environmental Agency);
• Do not appear in the lists of slave work areas posted on the Internet on the MTE and InPACTO websites;
• No illegal deforestation of new areas as of 07/22/2008;
• Not to be located in indigenous areas recognized by a declaratory decree of the Ministry of Justice or object of interdiction by act of the Presidency of the National Indian Foundation (FUNAI), as well as areas recognized by federal, state and city government  act as conservation units (except those in which the legislation allows the exercise of the livestock activity);
• To be in  regulated agrarian situation under the control of the Brazilian  competent agency – INCRA;
• To be properly registered at Rural Enviroment Regestry (CAR).

Agra and InPACTO

We are associated with the National Pact Institute for the Eradication of Slave Labor (InPACTO). Founded in 2013, the Institute’s goal is to unite the private sector and civil society organizations to prevent and eradicate slave labor in productive chains.


Traceability is an important requirement in the production process that ensures the consumer has access to relevant  finished product information such as: sex, age, movements, feeding, and medication throughout the life of the animal.
The traceability system of Agra Foods follows the legal parameters of the different markets to which we are licensed, ensuring the correct correlation between the finished product and the raw material that gave rise to it.

Food Safety

Agra Foods has a strict control in its production process, which ensures the quality and food safety of its products. There are several self-control programs, among which the following stand out:
• Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP);
• Standard Operating Hygiene Procedure (PPHO);
• Operational Sanitary Procedure (PSO);
• Animal welfare;
• Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP);
• Laboratory Analysis Program;
• Program for the Control of Chemical Contaminants.

In addition to a specialized internal team, all these programs are inspected and audited by the Federal Inspection Service of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply.

Animal Welfare

Looking after the welfare of animals is a commitment from Agra Foods. For this reason, the company has an animal welfare program that seeks to minimize their discomfort in different stages of the production process.

The company has operational procedures as of from boarding on the properties, transportation, receipt, handling of the animals and during the process of slaughtering. Training is conducted on a regular basis and the program is reviewed annually in order to cultivate best practices and improve animal welfare rates.

Social Responsability

Agra Foods businesses are in tune with the social interests of the region. The valuation of people, the quality and safety of the work environment, ethics and transparency in the relationship with employees, customers, suppliers, governments and society are principles that guide the actions of the company.

We highlight the project EJA – Youth and Adult Education, a partnership developed with the municipal government of Rondonópolis-MT where employees have the opportunity to complete their studies in primary and secondary education. The company offers the infrastructure, while the city hall provides the teachers and supplies teaching materials.
Agra Foods has as one of its principles to ensure the health and safety of the work environment. For this, our facilities are maintained in accordance with current legislation and we invest in employee training, safety procedures and the training of our team specialized in safety at work, in addition to providing all personal protective equipment.

Programs related to health improvement involve the practice of work gymnastics, disease prevention campaigns and the provision of healthy and balanced food in our cafeteria.


Agra Foods seeks to develop its business in line with sustainable growth, based on preservation of the environment and conscious use of natural resources. For this, the following initiatives are adopted to:
• Ensure the correct disposal of waste (dry and organic);
• Stimulate the environmental awareness of our employees through the rational use of natural resources (recycle, reuse and reduce);
• Comply legally with environmental requirements;
• Use certified wood for reforestation as raw material;
• Do not source raw materials from deforestation areas.